Amplify Your Message

A social network diagram

How Social Media helps spread your message

You’ve got a great organization.  You do great work. If more people really understood what you were about, you would be able to help even more people.  You need a way to reach more people, more quickly.

You could spend millions on a fancy marketing and PR campaign.  You could get leading marketing consultants to help you craft a perfect message, do a huge media buy, redesign your website and hope it takes off.

But, I’m guessing you don’t have millions of dollars.  And, if you do, spending that much money on talking about yourself is not part of your strategic plan.

On the other hand, doing good work and hoping people will notice isn’t going so well either.

Many Voices Can Help You Be Heard

There is another way.  Your organization is surrounded by people who already believe in your work.  They show it by giving you their time and their money.  With a little encouragement, training and direction (and lots of appreciation) many of them would also happily lend you their voices.  The best part?  In addition to making new connections in your community, you will strengthen your relationships with existing donors and volunteers and free up more funds for mission-specific work.

Get the Free E-course

Amplify your message is a free, seven(ish)-week e-course all about recruiting your organization’s volunteers and donors as mini-megaphones to spread the word about your great work.

In our time together we’ll cover:

  • Overcoming objections (from you and your volunteers)
  • Giving volunteers the information, training and support they need to be successful
  • How to say thank-you early and often
  • What to do when things go off course
  • Bonus Q&A messages based on specific questions from you and your fellow course members

Sounds good, Sign me up!

6 thoughts on “Amplify Your Message

  1. What a great topic to discuss!

    I know that as a very small organization we would benefit greatly from having volunteers and supporters promote us. However, there is always concern that the message volunteers deliver may be correct.

    I am looking forward to the E-course and learning more about best approaches to take in training and supporting our volunteers.


    • However, there is always concern that the message volunteers deliver may not be correct.

      This is a very common (and legitimate) concern, Sally. We will definitely be talking about ways to mitigate the issue–I’m not sure there is a way to eradicate it completely!

  2. Ahh – information, training and support. When a nonprofit leader is wearing many hats – these steps can be left behind. Sounds like a great course on a very timely subject.

  3. […] For a great example of how an e-class idea works, sign up for Sonia Simone’s e-mail and content marketing class.   The course makes great use of the auto-responder concept, while the class itself gives great advice on how to make your own e-mail marketing too valuable to delete.  Sonia’s work is specifically targeted at marketing for small businesses, but the concepts are 100% applicable to nonprofit development work.  For a more nonprofit-specific idea of how a course like this works, check out my course on using volunteers to amplify your message. […]

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