
Free E-Class

Amplify your message:  using volunteers to help your nonprofit be heard

Your organization is surrounded by people who already believe in your work.  They show it by giving you their time and their money.  With a little encouragement, training and direction (and lots of appreciation) many of them would also happily lend you their voices.  The best part?  In addition to making new connections in your community, you will strengthen your relationships with existing donors and volunteers and free up more funds for mission-specific work.

Click here to learn more

Sign up for the e-class now!

Social Media E-books

Have you noticed everyone says “You should be using Facebook and Twitter” but very few people really say why–or how?  Andrea Vahl and “Grandma Mary” are here to change that.  These affordable guides start at the very beginning–“Why use Facebook/Twitter” and walk you step-by-step through the whole process from setting up an account, to learning what all the terms mean, to figuring out what you, as a nonprofit leader (she pronounces it “business owner”), need to know to leverage the power of social media for your organization.

Note–Andrea wrote these books with a small business audience in mind–but all the concepts translate to your work with nonprofits.  If you have any trouble translating the concepts into a nonprofit paradigm, contact me for help.

Click here to view more details about the Facebook version
Click here to view more details about the Twitter version


You chose a nonprofit career because you want to make a difference.  You  have what it takes to change the world and you are ready to serve.

Some days it’s easy to remember why you made the choice.  When you are engaged in the core of your work,  you can almost see the world becoming a better place right in front of your eyes.

Other days, you sit at your desk and fight with the budget or proofread the annual report.  These are the days you need a touchstone.

I’m not talking about the pretty stones with inspirational words on them that you find in new age shops and gift stores.  I’m talking about a small piece of art (on a framed tile) you can put on or near your desk that provides visual and linguistic reminders of why you do the work you do.

These special touchstones*  help you maintain a visceral connection to the core value of your work, no matter what is on your plate.  Using a combination of words and images, they engage both sides of your brain and take you right back to the “good place” where it’s easy to remember the joy you felt when you chose this way of life.

Finding Your Touchstone

The words and images that resonate with you will depend on the nature of your work.  The perfect touchstone would be custom made for you and your unique organization.  Such custom designs are available (contact me for info on how to get started), but in the spirit of Low Hanging Fruit, I am also offering more universal pieces for each slice of the nonprofit world.

The Arts Touchstone is available now.   As new designs are completed, they will also be showcased here.  Check back often, or sign-up for e-mail updates to be the first to hear about new pieces.

*if you are stuck on the fact that these “touchstones” are neither for touching nor are they stones, consider that they serve the same purpose and “looktiles” sounds really stupid.

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