Leadership Lessons from the Age of Covid-19

I wrote this on my personal blog, but if there is anyone still hanging out here, you might also find it of interest.

Mo's Musings

I read this article sometime last week and my original take away was the intended one: testing is important, we didn’t do it when we needed to, and we aren’t really catching up.

What stuck with me, and prompted me to go back and find the article again was Dr. Helen Y Chu.

The TL;DR is Dr. Chu was all set up to test for seasonal flu and since “a nasal swab is a nasal swab” could fairly easily test for the novel coronavirus as well. In doing so, she’d be able to get a much clearer picture of how much, if any, community spread already existed in Washington state. She asked if she could proceed. The answer was no. She asked again, still no. She decided to do it anyway. When testing uncovered the spread of the virus was already much wider than previously assumed, she was still told…

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